Monarch Valley Property Solutions

We Buy Homes, as-is, Even in Challenging Situations.

Trustworthy Property Buyers in Oregon

Monarch Valley Property Solutions is a reliable homebuyer helping homeowners in Oregon to get a fair price for their properties. Our team has the expertise to offer you the advice you need and the best choice for your unique circumstance. No matter if you are selling an inherited or a distressed property, we will come to you and offer you the best price for your home.

Monarch Valley Property Solutions

No Repairs Needed

We believe no one should feel stuck and aim to provide sellers convenience, control, and confidence. We will buy your house in its current condition with no repairs needed. You can get peace of mind knowing that your home is not an open house and no strangers are coming or going when you're not there.

Monarch Valley Property Solutions
Monarch Valley Property Solutions

Our Process

We strive to close the deal fast, without any auctions or signs in your yard. Our professionals come to your place and give you an offer. With your willingness, we will pay cash in no time.